35 Degrees South - Quality Management
35 Degrees South has a firm commitment to this ensuring product traded is to Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and AUS-MEAT requirements. Marketing and Selling meat products to set specifications, which reflect the true market requirements and to become known as a reliable supplier of high-quality meat products.
All customers written and implied requirements and specifications will be met without compromising quality standards, whilst ensuring that the company’s firm financial objectives are met.
35 Degrees South Management team will review, Procedures, Customer Feedback and Technical Developments in order to ensure its policy of “Continuous Improvement”
Scope and Field of Application
35 Degrees S Pty Ltd (Operating as 35 Degrees South) is a privately owned business who purchases Beef, Lamb, Pork products from Export Approved Establishments and sells mainly to Hong Kong and Eastern Asian markets with potential for India and Middle East markets .
The Organisational Chart in this manual describes the relationship between the joint NPE Representative and the various personnel within 35 Degrees S Pty Ltd.
35 Degrees South places great emphasis on customer satisfaction and is committed to keeping the customer advised on the quality of the products available and is dedicated to training staff in the correct description of the product sold. The nature of these products requires particular emphasis on the correct description and proper (hygienic) handling from purchase through storage to preparation and sale of such products.
Corrective and Preventive Action for Non-Conforming Product
Corrective actions may result from Product Non-Conformance or System Discrepancies. In either case, Non-Conformance/Corrective Action will be taken.
When non-conforming products are identified, the cause shall be investigated, corrective action taken, and preventative measures initiated.
We, The director(s) being the NPE Representative for 35 Degrees S Pty Ltd (Operating as 35 Degrees South), undertake on behalf of the company to:
Fully support and comply with the policies, procedures and specifications set out by our establishment.
Acknowledge that compliance with the following legislation, Codes of Practice and Standards will take precedence over any other commercial consideration:
Trade Measurement Act
Food Standards Code
AUS-MEAT National Accreditation Standards.
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Requirements
Full access will be granted to authorised auditors from AUS-MEAT at any time and for the purpose of auditing matters specified in this Manual.
AUS-MEAT will be provided with such information as may be required from time to time.
For any questions and notices, please contact us at:
35 Degrees S Pty Ltd (Operating as 35 Degrees South)
Email: info@35DegreesSouth.com
Last update: 01/01/2023